Friday, January 12, 2007

Tema Okun: on White Supremacy

I think you
are perfectly named
if your name means peace
if your name means intention
if your name is the spoken form
of still water moments
of sure growth
of the imperceptible
contribution of paint and grass

i think you are
perfectly named
if your name means
if your name means
if your name is a code word
for let's all embrace into a deep breath

i think you are perfectly named
but maybe that's because
when we speak your name
we mean what you have
already been for us
continue to name yourself

Read Tema's article about the Culture of White Supremacy

And check out her work with the Challenging White Supremacy Workshop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as always...this is abso. beautiful.

keep up the transformative work :)
